Oranje series 4

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Match reports from HRC Touch Rugby

On Saturday December 14th a small delegation from HRC Touch travelled to the far southeast of the country, the city of lights Eindhoven to play in Oranje series #4. The weather was quite gray and a solid 2 degrees Celsius, reminding us all why touch is supposed to be a summer sport. Nevertheless, 4 teams joined this social tournament, meaning we had 3 games to play, and luckily the scheduling gods smiled upon us and we had a break in between each game.

First game up was URC, a strong opponent and rival of ours. They clearly were more used to the cold than us, because they quickly found some mismatches to put some points on the board for them, meanwhile Brad luckily managed to keep us in the game with a few scores of his own. Unfortunately, this trend kind of continued as the game went on, and we finished the game with a 3-5 loss.

The second game was against 010 United, a combination of the touch delegations of RRC and Hermes. Their team consists of a lot of ex-union players, so we expected them to not be too drilled on touch specific play patterns, but lethal in heads-up play. That is also immediately a good summary of the game, 010 United managed a few breaks with good speed and split second decision making, but we in turn managed to score off of many structured line attacks. In the end the result was a 6-2 win.

Last but not least was the game versus the hosts Eindhoven Touch. Because they finally didn’t have to drive 90 minutes for this installation of the Oranje series, they had a large amount of players, among them also quite some inexperienced players. We, rather rudely I might add, employed a quite aggressive piston defense, which kept them under a lot of pressure when they had the ball. This often resulted in us regaining possession in their half, giving us plenty of phases to attack their line. This is reflected in the final score: a 7-1 win.

All in all a great day of touch, we had some good games but also got good points to work on. It’s great to see how much 010 United and Eindhoven are growing as teams, and I look forward to playing against them in future instalments of the Oranje Series and the Dutch cup! I would also like to thank Eindhoven Touch for hosting, although maybe next time the snert should be a bit less smoky :).

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